Cold Bustin Smoothie


Cold Bustin Smoothie
Recipe Type: Drinks
Author: Erin Bosdet
Serves: 1
Feeling a tell-tale tickle in your throat? If so do not waste another moment! Bust out this amazing Cold Bustin Smoothie by Erin Bosdet of Simply Dish and drastically decrease your chances of falling ill. This is a completely tasty smoothie with a potent dose of the following medicinal plant foods: fresh (or powdered) turmeric root, ginger, lemon, pomegranate, and cranberries. Banana and apple or pear add body, additional vitamins, energizing carbohydrates and yummy flavor. Use frozen banana for an icier effect. Keep this recipe handy in your virtual wellness cabinet whenever your body feels like it could benefit from a little immune system boost.
  • 1 banana
  • 1 apple or pear (pear and ginger? YUM!)
  • 1/4c of cranberries
  • 1/2 a pomegranate (just the seeds)
  • a small piece of ginger
  • a small piece of turmeric (or a dash)
  • juice of one lemon
  • just enough water to cover it all
  1. Process in your blender, drink and enjoy!